A simple white flag represents surrender.  The white flag is an internationally recognized protective sign of truce or ceasefire, and requests for negotiation. How many times have you wanted to give up by throwing up your hands, which represents your white flag, and say, “enough?”

As I thought about the word surrender, I realized it doesn’t necessarily mean you’ve given up for good. Perhaps, you’re at a point in your life where you’re just tired. Maybe it’s a relationship, or issues with your business … or whatever you’ve been dealing with and now … you’re just tired.

If you noticed, in the beginning of this post, it describes the white flag being recognized as a protective sign. Sometimes it’s necessary to protect yourself by realizing that “this thing” is not serving you well. You surrender to protect your sanity, your joy and your peace. You let “it” go because you know if you keep holding on, the cycle will repeat itself.

Here’s what I like the most.  We (you and me) get the opportunity to negotiate what our needs are, what we will and will not tolerate and how we choose to allow others to treat us. If for some reason the negotiations stall, we have the option to get out and stay out. In other words, we can let it go.

On the other hand, if there is room to renegotiate, we can do that.

Sometimes, it requires surrendering to discover what’s best. That means paying attention to your inner and your outer voice that’s giving you the signals you need by telling you it’s time to do something different.

What do you need to surrender? Are you tired of going in circles? Are you tired of doing the same unproductive thing(s)?  If you are, you can raise your white flag, regroup and start doing something that works, but more importantly, something that works best for you.

Your Life Renovator,
